
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Of seeds,soil and containers

I don't know about everyone else, but my goal with gardening is to not only grow my own food but to reduce, reuse and recycle. Since my husband has been out of work for several years and we live on a fixed income I do what I can to save a bit here and there.I do usually end up buying a few seed starter boxes but came across this idea from a friend of mine. I use old egg cartons as well and cover with saran wrap, but this is even better .
Our city does recycling but will not take the plastic strawberry container, tomatoes etc (even though they are marked 1) and so I have been saving them for years. I give goodies in them and gifts but still have alot! And guess what, they are perfect mini green houses. They have holes for drainage and lids to keep them warm until they sprout! I make sure they are clean. We don't want any germs in the soil. Fill them with a seed started soil, put in the seeds, (here it was sugar pumpkins and Marglobe tomatoes) spaced appropriately and cover with soil according to seed size, bigger seeds, more soil.Then water well.

I poked holes in the small black ones because they didn't have any for drainage. Put the covers on and label them. No matter how bright you think you are you will forget what is in each one (ask me how I know =) I used that tape with string in it borrowed from hubby, and a black marker, it dries and doesn't rub off and just stuck it on the side. Then I wrote everything down in my journal.
If you don't have one of these then you should. A page for each veggie will work unless you are very eloquent. I just write the kind of seed, the date I planted and how many and app days until germination.
Then when they pop up I jot it down as well and make of note of how they are growing. I will note once they are transplanted outside and then journal their progress, the weather and when they bear fruit and how much. 
This will help you in the years to follow with your planting, and amounts you may need. I would like to thank my good friend Jack for this idea as it had never occurred to me!
Happy gardening all!

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